career support
The Can & Will Help Foundation is designed to address previously identified key barriers to job retention within an urban community.
Can & Will Help Foundation's goal is to provide participants with continuous job readiness and student support. Participants for job readiness learn computer skills, resume building, and interview techniques. Participating students will have continuous opportunities to gain volunteer experiences, school or work study hours, or probation hours for the charitable component.
2023-2024 students may earn 5 service/project learning hours, by writing a 1 page essay regarding the importance of being involved in their communities and being an active member of society. They are also to collect 5 care packages that includes a t-shirt, male or female underwear, bottled water, and a pair of socks. Other ideas are welcome by the Leading Educator or Counselor of your school.

Interview & Communication Skills
Master your interviewing and communication skills with our free comprehensive workshops. You will learn what to do before your interview, specific interviewing techniques, opportunities
to practice the most common interview questions, and much more.
Whether you are completely new to the job market, re-entering the workforce, or looking to advance your career, this course will empower you with the knowledge and skills necessary to dazzle during your next interview.
Resume Building
After taking our resume building workshop you will be able to:
Gain Computer Skills.
Research jobs, fill out applications, and Prepare resumes using computer skills.
Demonstrate that you are a viable candidate, based on your qualifications.
Present your professional image and establish your credibility in writing.
Provide an example of your written communication skills.